📄️ E2E Encrypted Collaborative Document Editing
Client: ChainSafe Files (files.chainsafe.io)
📄️ Offchain and Scriptless Mixer
Offchain mixer design for account-based blockchains with offchain multi-party computation and threshold cryptography
📄️ On the feasibility of a Fault-proof Based Blockchain Bridge
Discussion of how fault proofs could be used to construct bridges along with potential challenges
📄️ Play-to-Earn
Implementation design of the Gaming SDK play to earn feature that prevents fraudulent transactions when players are gaming onchain
📄️ S𝛑PETs: Sustainable Practically Indistinguishable Privacy-Enhanced Transactions
Universal covert privacy-enhancing transactions for any blockchain that supports ECDSA or Schnorr
📄️ Using Aztec for ENS Privacy
📄️ Zcash Web Wallet - Feasibility Report
We investigated if a Zcash wallet with reasonable user experience and sync times can be built to run within the browser.